A New Writer

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Peggy Chernow. I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a grandmother and of late, a writer. I have penned a novel, Despicable Lies, about two identical and enterprising twin sisters and am about to publish its sequel, Second Chances. People who have read Despicable Lies tell me that the story is intriguing, enjoyable and hard to put down. I hope you will feel the same way.
As a new writer, I believed the hardest part of being a published author was actually putting my stories on paper; then editing and proofreading them. I was wrong. There is so much more to do.
Please indulge me as I learn to navigate the confusing and intimidating world of social media and the intricacies of marketing my books. The first “must” on the “to do” list suggested by my publisher is for me to write frequent blogs that can be found on a tab on my web page “PeggyChernow.com.”
So here it goes
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My friends have asked me “How did you get the idea for Despicable Lies? Have you always wanted to write? What’s it like to create fictional characters that take on a life of their own?”
The idea for the book originated in part from my personal experiences as a teenager in an exclusive boarding school environment and then my imagination matured the main characters, Darcy and Danielle Coulter into their adulthood.
Since my own high school years, I have always wanted to write and with the encouragement of my tenth grade English teacher, I began composing poems and stories. I took numerous creative writing courses in college and thereafter, but never had the luxury of enough time to devote to the craft. Now, I am on the north side of seventy, retired and my family is raised and requires less daily attention. My time is more my own. I can’t wait to sit at my computer each morning and spend a good portion of the day immersed in my characters and their situations.
“The girls”, as I refer to the two main characters, have definitely become real to me and I have had fun taking them on my travels (in the form of placing the book cover displaying the twin’s pictures at venues around this country and abroad.) This “mock” book tour had generated many Facebook postings and emails as my readers follow the girls and even send me pictures from their own travels. (See below).
I hope you enjoy Despicable Lies and getting to know Darcy and Danielle, two remarkable, resilient women who you would be proud to call your friends.
Until my next inspiration…ciao.
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