
Danielle was a more serious student than her twin sister, Darcy. Ever since she could remember, she had wanted to become a doctor. Her favorite toys as a young child had been a black medical bag and a stethoscope that she wore proudly around her neck. In high school at The Brandywine School, she devoted herself to mastering her classes in the sciences, biology, chemistry and anatomy. While Darcy was sneaking off the campus to meet and socialize with her boyfriend, Pete, Danielle would spend her free time doing scientific experiments for extra credits.
After she graduated from Harvard Medical school and completed all her years of training, she was offered a job as a staff physician at the prestigious Massachusetts General Hospital. (A Harvard teaching hospital) There, she became a well-respected dermatologist, a talented teacher and a brilliant clinician. She loved everything about her profession, but she wanted more in life than being a busy physician. She yearned for a family life with a husband and children. Danielle’s childhood had not been happy after her parent’s divorce, and she was sent off to boarding school. She was determined that when the time came, she would give her own children the stability and love she had missed.
Danielle was a born nester. She loved to shop for furniture, art, and bric-a-brac to decorate her home. She was a fastidious housekeeper and kept her apartment sparkling clean. Her favorite pastimes were writing (she penned a novel entitled Forever Grapes) and cooking gourmet dishes. When she and Alex Stone moved in together, she thought her life was perfect. Except, she missed her twin connection with Darcy. They had not spoken in fifteen years.
Although most of the time, she had loved being a twin, the second part of a matched set, there were other forces at work in her mind that made her resent her sister and want her own autonomy. In my book, Despicable Lies, Danielle struggles with complex emotions and finally after a crisis, she’s able to get the help she needs and resolve her issues.
by the end of the book you will have fallen in love with her spirit, and appreciate what a truly wonderful woman she has become. I wish I had her empathy for others, and was as caring and compassionate myself.
Until my next inspiration…ciao.
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