Darcy & Me

I am not Darcy, and I am not a twin. However, we share many of the same traits, personality quirks and experiences.
Darcy is passionate about writing (so am I) and eventually publishes a novel (so did I). In school, she hates science, math and foreign languages. She dislikes the rules and regulations that she has to live by in boarding school (so did I) and is independent and tireless. (so am I). Because of her resourcefulness and tenacity, she applies for and receives a full scholarship to The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (Not me). Much to her regret, she does not graduate from college because she falls in love, drops out of the university, and follows her “love” to his hometown of Washington D.C. (so did I).
Darcy finds that without a college degree, finding a good paying job is almost impossible. (so did I). She becomes a successful realtor, selling homes in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. (so was I). She is good at her job because she genuinely likes helping her clients find their dream homes. She is sensitive to their needs and respectful of their budgets. (I hope I am too).
Darcy is an avid sports fan. (as am I). She uses that love of sports to bond with her father, to get his undivided attention for a few hours a week. (I did exactly that). She believes, as do I, that passionately following a sport’s team, brings a richness to life and gives one something wonderful to look forward to. The games take on a life of their own. We moan in despair at a loss and shout out in ecstasy with a win. If something bad happens like your husband forgets your birthday, or gives you an awful gift, like a self-deodorizing trash can, or a crock pot, it doesn’t sting as much if your favorite team just won the NCAA tournament or the Superbowl. Even a smaller victory, like winning a single game against your arch rival, will exhilarate you.
Darcy and I both love to write and tell stories. Her first book was entitled Twins, and became a best seller. My first book, Despicable Lies is about twins. The best seller part is yet to be determined.
So, as you can see, there’s a lot of Darcy in me and a lot of me in her. If she was a real person, I’m sure we’d be fast friends. I like her so much that I’ve written a sequel about she and her sister, entitled Second Chances (to be published in the Fall) because I am not ready to let her go, just yet. I hope you will feel the same way about her after you’ve read Despicable Lies.
Until my next inspiration…ciao.
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