Famous Marriage Proposals

We’ve all heard stories or seen movies in which a marriage proposal is made by someone placing an engagement ring in a surprising place, like in a champagne glass or in an oyster shell during a romantic dinner. In the movies and novels there have been great romantic scenes that take the place of an actual proposal.
In When Harry met Sally, Harry did not actually propose to Sally with the standard “will you marry me line.” Instead the author, Nora Ephron, skirted the issue by having him tell her all the things he loved about her. It was New Year’s eve and with the strains of “It had to be you” and then” auld lang syne” in the background, he looks her in the eye and says, “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
In Pure Country, George Strait playing Dusty, an iconic country star, sings his heart out to his girlfriend, Harley, from the stage of his country western show. He croons the words, “In all the world you’ll never find a love that’s as true as mine.” It’s an emotional and tear provoking happy ending to the movie.
In The Wedding Singer, Adam Sandler grabs the mic and accompanied by his friend playing the ukulele, sings “Wanna Grow Old with me,” to his new bride at their wedding reception.
In Walk the Line, Joaquin Phoenix playing Johnny Cash, asks June Carter to marry him from the stage of their concert. She doesn’t respond quickly, so he keeps asking and announces that he won’t continue with the show until she says “yes”. “I have asked you 40 different ways, and it’s time you came up with a fresh answer…You’re my best friend. Marry me,” he proclaims in mid-duet. Finally, she agrees and they kiss to thunderous audience applause.
In Sweet Home Alabama, Andrew (Patrick Dempsey) takes Melanie (Reese Witherspoon) to Tiffany’s after hours and gets down on one knee to propose.
In Gone with the Wind, Rhett Butler played by Clark Gable makes a sexy proposal to Scarlett O’Hara (Vivien Leigh) and refuses to take “no” for an answer. “I shall never marry again”, she tells him. “Oh yes you will,” he answers, “and you’ll marry me.” And she does.
We are fortunate to live on the beach in Fort Lauderdale and at least twice a season (season being defined as when the northern “snowbirds” descend on Florida to escape the cold winter weather (December – April) I see small planes flying low along the water’s edge dragging a signs saying…XXXX will you marry me? Unfortunately, I never learn whether those airborne proposals are accepted.
In Despicable lies, Mark proposes to Darcy on a train ride to New York. She is so surprised and thrilled that she doesn’t mind the unromantic setting and gladly accepts the beautiful diamond ring her gives her.
The where and the whys of the proposals are interesting, but not as important as the marriages and hopefully the many years of happiness to follow. If any readers have especially different, romantic, funny or serious proposals, please write to me about them. I can always use new material for my blogs, posts and future books.
Until my next inspiration…ciao.
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