I, like most people, struggle with my weight. I used to be a “skinny kid” that my mom tried to fatten up with daily milkshakes after school. (Those were the good old days.) But, sometime after turning thirty, my metabolism...
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As a writer it is important to know how to spell and use words correctly. Thus, a dictionary is supposed to be a vital tool for all authors. I, however, heartily disagreed. I hardly ever refer to it, although I...
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I, along with many Americans, became an exercise fanatic in the 80’s and 90’s and I am paying for it today with worn out joints, and constant aches and pains. As a consequence of so much overuse, I underwent my...
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I remember my mother telling me to “just be yourself” whenever I was confronted with a new situation where it was necessary to make new friends or acquaintances…like going to sleep-away camp for the first time, or starting a new...
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In 1972, First Lady, Patricia Nixon mentioned her fondness for giant pandas to the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai at a dinner in Beijing. He responded by promising to send her some. On April 16, 1972 President and Mrs. Nixon formally...
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