If you spend time on Twitter, you will often see posts touting the number of followers one has accumulated as if the sheer numbers are a mark of success or popularity. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are no better. Constantly adding...
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I love when I get the notice from the front desk in my condo building that I have received a package. Almost a childlike hope arises in me when I try to imagine what wonderful surprise will be waiting for...
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I don’t know about you, but I have difficulty drinking the recommended amount of water I should every day. Every gym I attend or article I read about maintaining good health stresses the importance of drinking water…and lots of it....
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In November of 2021, I read an article written by Jeff Steen published in the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel. It was about an easy exercise routine that can help boost your energy and diminish your reliance on caffeine in the...
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I used to be such a good sleeper. But now-a-days, I rarely get enough sleep. I awaken many times during the night and have a terrible time getting back to sleep. Sometimes, I watch the clock as every hour creeps...
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