
Whether you support our next president or not, there are certain ceremonies and traditions that go along with inauguration day and they are the same for Republicans and Democrats alike. This years' ceremonies will be very different because of the...
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The term “comfort foods” has been traced back to 1966 when the Palm Beach Post first used the term in a story: "Adults when under severe emotional distress, turned to what could be called comfort food - food associated with...
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News Year's Eve is celebrated all around the world. The evening commemorates the last day of the Gregorian calendar, December 31st.According to Google Search, because of the many different time zones, the actual end of the year is celebrated at...
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Christmas in the United States is rich with traditions and folklore. The holiday season is full of memories and nostalgia. As a young child, my parents put up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, and decorated the house and...
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In all my previous blogs about Despicable Lies and Second Chances, I’ve referred, in one way or another, to the two beautiful Coulter twins, Darcy and Danielle. I have not mentioned much about the wonderful men in their lives, and...
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